Culture Palace Ploiesti - details and images
It is a building massive, monumental, with a large central building and two main wings, which it crosses near the end. It has a basement, a very tall one floor and another something shorter. Built in neoclassical French-style palace is impressive by unity, symmetry and balance, as well as the variety with which they are treated the four registers of the facade. Particularly successful is the main entrance, located at first floor level on the south side of the central body. Access is by a steep road with two variants and the wide stairs of a monumental staircase, a colonnade strong fit three massive doors.
Inside, the ground floor and first floor has several large meeting rooms, some with wood paneling and coffered ceilings. It is also worth mentioning a vast hall comprising a good part of the floor, in height and the second floor. It has massive columns and is illuminated by the ceiling. The hall, in the past "hall of lost steps", is now the best exhibition space in the city.
In the years 1951-1953, was designed Palace of Culture building, but six years ago, part of the east wing was damaged newly created Court of Appeals Ploiesti. Renovated serious earthquake in 1977, the palace retains its original shape unaltered and contains a number of cultural and artistic institutions of higher prices: Human biology County Museum, Museum of Ethnography, School of Arts.
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