Daliborka Tower Prague - details and images
It is a famous prison that operated until the end of the eighteenth century. It was originally conceived as a prison only noble but were later imprisoned people of all social statutes. The name was given after Dalibor Kozojedy, its first tenant. Prague's history is full of legends, one of them being connected with Daliborka tower.
Dalibor was a young knight, who was sentenced to life in prison, being held in an underground chamber located under the tower. The young knight how wrong? Well, he hosted several rebel slaves. Such an act could not be forgiven and must be punished seriously, because if so forgive the act could be seen as a Robin Hood of the Czech people under the leadership of Vladislav Jagiello.
According to legend, he learned to play the violin while his dark waiting for death in the room where he was imprisoned. Residents of Prague and the music he heard in his wake her sympathy. They came to hear his music sad, we felt sorry for him and throw food and milk. Some say that was so popular that the authorities were afraid to make public his execution day .... until one day he has never played the violin. Czech composer Smetana idealized story turned into a famous opera.
For those who do not believe in legends, is a logical explanation why Dalibor has been associated with violin sound. The word "violin" has a medieval meaning - is an instrument of torture with the shape of a violin. He was provided with holes for head and hands. Once you begin the procedure of torture, and could hear the "music" produced by prisoners. However, it was not nearly as harmonious as the sound of a violin.
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