Drapers' Bastion Brasov - details and images
Drapers 'Bastion, located in the southwest corner of the city of Brasov, has been defended and goldsmiths' guild built between 1450 and 1455. They have endowed him with the bomb in Prague, with three small cannons and 16 harquebus. In 1521 and 1522 are completed works to the tower. In 1640, point defense was picked up by draper.
Built on four levels of galleries of wood, elliptical shape with a diameter of 16 m, 20 m in height bastion far. Its walls were based on two meters thick and had holes for installing the first level of small caliber guns. Drapers' Bastion was relatively well preserved until today, being strengthened in the years 1961 - 1962 and renovated in 2005. The museum intends to create a point inside it and cover it with a glass dome.
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