Episcopal Cathedral of St. Nicholas Church - Ramnicu Valcea - details and images
Construction was started in 1851 and completed in 1856 and is the work of the Holy architecture Calinic apprentice craftsmen who built churches in the Holy Monasteries Cernica, bird and Frasinei. The similarity with them is very high in style, but the only difference being the proportion that was assessed in relation to location and needs of the Diocese of worship.
The church has classic form, trilobite, divided into: altar, nave and porch closed with three towers of which a large central and two smaller front wall is built of massive cross-shaped, with broad bosom, high altar, semicalotate arches, wide windows, big and tall. It is paved with mosaic and covered with cement board.
Painting in oil Renaştenii style, belongs to the great artist of the time, George Tattarescu who was an admirer of St. Calinic. In the narthex, on the wall beneath cafas, left, is painted the image of its founder, St. Calinic and the right of the ruler at the time, Barbu Stirbei.
The iconostasis is made of massive lime wood, carved with great skill, using wealth to carry floral wreaths and bouquets of gilded wood. The painting was restored in 1968 by painter Treistorianu.
Noteworthy are the stained glass windows that were painted in the nave: "Nativity" and "Resurrection" and in the narthex of St. Gregory Bogoslovul "and" St. Sofronie, Patriarch of Jerusalem. "
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