Fontana di Trevi - details and images
In 1732, by order of Pope Clement XII, Nicola Salvi was hired to erect a large fountain in Fountain Square. There is a plan for the construction of such a fountain after a design by Bernini, which was postponed after a century after the death of Pope Urban VIII. Salvi and built on ancient masterpiece of Bernini's project. Construction of the monumental baroque fountain was completed in 1762.
Trevi fountain is the central figure of Neptune, god of the sea, which is in a chariot that has the shape of a shell, pulled by two sea horses. One horse is balky and the other is calm and obedient. They symbolize the fluctuating mood of the sea.
On the left there is a statue of Neptune that is abundant, and the right one represents perfect health. Above the bas-relief carvings are found, one of them depicting her Agrippa, the girl was named after the aqueduct.
Water fountain represents the sea bottom. Legend says that he who throws a coin in the water will return to Rome. This currency must be thrown back over her shoulder at the fountain.
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