Fortified Church Saschiz - details and images
Saschiz is situated in Mures county, in the south-east of the Plateau Tarnavelor at the foot of wooded hills. This troubled history of the Middle Ages left us testimony two divisions.
At about 2 km from the village up the hill over 500 feet tall, is achieved by passing high-Saxon fortress centuries. Peasant fortress that dominates and now Saschiz site is still a trace of medieval torments. Its construction began in the fourteenth century, namely in 1347, as indicated by an inscription on the northwest wall of the fortress to protect the inhabitants of Saschiz invasion and six other common side, which helped build it.
High walls 7-9 m and the 6 towers four corner towers and the second gate, all supervisory officials and defense Saschiz were meant to protect the population and surrounding villages in time of war. The names of these towers: Tower È ~ sheet, Tower Ammunition Princely Tower, Tower Priest, Tower Gate Tower Guard reflects the good organization of the community. Inside the fortress is the chapel, which today has left but a ruin. Following intact is only 65 m deep well which is said to be connected through an underground tunnel between the center of the village precincts.
Fortress is the work of the German community in the area, so it should be noted that specificity in terms of refuge, where most of the Saxon fortifications were erected around the church in the center of the settlement.
As an architectural style, the city belongs to the period of transition from Romanesque to the Gothic (finished in the fourteenth century), as confirmed by a singurp slope roof of the mouth and drawing provided with a wooden beam that could rotate in order to facilitate sighting of arrows and bows cannonballs. Technical details are overcome by the beauty of ruin but who designs ghostly figure among the trees on the edge of the access road, inviting the imagination to free travel among its walls.
On another day where there is a Romanesque basilica was erected in 1493 a large fortified church. They kept a few acts of subsidy granted by the Province of Sibiu since 1494 and until 1525 to build the church. City receives even a papal indulgence between 1503 and 1507, are exempt from the same period and the billeting and livrsri products for troops, as demanded plebanul Johann Polder.
The distance between the center of the village and distant place where the high and the Old City was built, led, over time, the fortified church in the middle of the village to get the lead role of refuge for the villagers. This, together with the tower, secluded site and not part of the church structure, is now near the national highway passing through the center's Saschiz. Lacking site Saschiz church was built between 1493-1496 and holds out the beauty of proportions and expressive elements of empowerment adapting rigorous forms of church.
Massive church, built of quarry stone, is the room type and is reinforced with 22 buttresses. The room is very wide and long, and the choir is closed on three sides. Above the choir and the room was built of brick with a defense level, while its arch above the vestry door stellate two such levels. Access is through two brick towers located in the western church. Parapet wall of the watch is way out on the console above the massive arches, built of stone and brick buttresses above. Behind the springs are shot holes slots.
Church hosts one of the finest goldsmiths bowls crafted by artisans in Transylvania. Chalice of the evangelical church is richly decorated and has Saschiz the whole bucket wearing a decorative border rays and a lily with flowers. On foot of the cup-holder is engraved portraits of Hungarian kings Stephen, Emeric and Ladislaus.
The entire compound was surrounded by a strong defensive wall, whose current fence route is followed by the church.
Saschiz Tower is one of the most beautiful building of its kind in the Saxon peasant architecture cities in Transylvania. Tower roof, dressed in various colored glazed tiles, the sharp shape of a pyramid, with a rich and decorative volumes. It has a rectangular shape, with the final roof covering as easily moved under the overhang, supported by a series of narrow arches, which support the cornice shooting locations.
Its capacity has increased by elevation defensive vestry with a full masonry tower. The twelve skylights, three on each side, the four towers on the corners and photoflash very sharp, bulb-shaped base, plated with tin, remember fully, shape and materials, the elegant tower which served as a model Clock Tower in Sighisoara.
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