Fortress Blidaru - details and images
Located within walking distance Costesti - fortress, the fortress of Blidaru, is considered the most powerful defensive fortification system Orastie Mountains. Blidaru is the only city that could not be conquered, surrendering defenders due to resource depletion. In addition to the fortification itself, Blidaru Hill found the remains of many towers watched isolated mountain valleys.
Blidaru ruins are located 4 km from Costesti on the plateau to the SW of Upper Orăştioara com (Hunedoara county), at an altitude of 705m. Blidaru Situated atop the hill, the fortress of joints Blidaru had purely military. Hill has been excavated and turned enlarged obtaining smooth surfaces inside the fortress. In making the city were using local craftsmen and Greek.
The building, whose ruins are preserved in good condition, was built in two phases. In the first phase, was built inside the east, form an irregular quadrilateral.
To the east and northeast of the city Blidaru were placed three guard towers and other towers supervised surroundings.
The first chamber, from the east, a square shape was irregular, with four towers at the corners. The southwest corner tower, which was entered in the clamp, to achieve access to a secondary entrance. The technique of building walls is known murus Dacicus, ie two parament shaped limestone blocks joined together by wooden beams and the space between two rows of blocks filled with stone and earth sfarmaturi well beaten. In making the city were using local craftsmen and Greek. The southern half of the shelf enclosure was built inside a square tower house, and on the southwest side, an isolated tower.
In the second stage was a city built more comprehensive and encompass the first building. The gateway to the city lies on the eastern side, is flanked by two walls inside short. On the north and west sides of the fortress on the internal walls were built from the ground floor rooms that they served as a grain warehouse, the floor is actually a platform for supporting and handling of the war machine. Alternating blocks of limestone masonry with mica-schists, imitating model chessboard.
Sanctuaries, alignment type, were located outside the fortified enclosure in the place called Solomon's stone. "
Also on Blidaru and another building is unique in the world and built Dacian, more likely, by a Romanian artist or under his direction. It's water tank, built outside the fortress built in, as a fuel source is at a lower rate. The tank, measuring inside 8x6, 20m, have the floor to start the vault, a height of 4m.
Long sides were doubled, the interior wall roof support being made of carved limestone blocks. The walls were covered with an impermeable layer consisting of lime, sand and crushed brick, typical Romanian construction which has led to the conclusion that it could not be built only with their help. When this mixture has become permeable, the entire tank has been rebuilt inside and covered with successive layers of plaster, thus ensuring impermeability.
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