Fortress Costesti - details and images
Costesti fortress of kings was the residence of some of the Geto-Dacians. Located at the entrance to the valley Grădiştea water, the center was the main avantpost Costeşti the Dacian capital of Grădiştea Muncelului. Destroyed during the first Dacian War, in 102 AD, the city is rebuilt hastily and then finally destroyed and abandoned in 106 AD, when the Romans conquered Dacia.
Its ruins have served as a quarry for building camps. Hill "fortress", the city was formed on top of a great point guard, with regard to long distance, placed at the entrance to rocky mountain Şureanu Mountains, where water Gradistei suddenly narrows. Its strategic importance is great: the way forward Sarmisegetusa city control.
As part of a complex defense system, the city-fortress Costesti, built between the end sec. II and the beginning of the century. BC. is the oldest of Dacian fortifications Orastie Mountains. It will pass through several stages during the history of hardening and recovery.
Its fortification consists of a wave of earth stockade, wide at the base of approx. 6-8 m and a height of 2 - 2.50 m, which protected the top of the hill, plateau and terraces.
Peak Hill was arranged by manufacturers Dacians in terraces, resulting in an ellipsoidal shape platter on which were arranged elements of defense: defensive trenches and fortified with palisades waves, stone walls with towers at the tip, the lookout towers.
In the SW, the fortification was backed by a massive wall provided with towers, made of stone blocks shaped outer sides (parament), linked together by means of wooden beams, the interior is filled with stones and earth (emplecton) , type of protective wall called Dacian murus dacicus. Its width was 3 m. These reinforcements are added and a double palisade surrounding plateau and two guard towers located on the coast of N, a 3rd tower with the same features as found on the side of E.
On the plateau are traces of two towers, housing, built at the base, with stone foundations and the top of unfired clay bricks. A monumental scale, shaped stone, 3 m wide, leading to one of these towers. On the sides was set to drain water troughs, and in front of a wooden gate.
On the sides of the city's and V were found two water tanks, plus a few pits dug in the rock to collect rainwater. The terraces were erected around the plateau city sanctuaries, whose debris consists of strings (alignments) limestone discs similar to those of Grădiştea Muncelului - Sarmizegetusa Regia.
Sanctuaries, four in number, were rectangular with drums of limestone and wood columns. The two water tanks found very important for the survival of the defenders, were placed inside a fortified area, the other outside it.
Fortress is a fortress in Costesti-great landmark in the history of the Dacians, the first city built by a planimetry and a new technique of Hellenistic influence (blocks of stone walls parament waist double), while keeping elements the old system of fortification, ditches and earth walls.
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