Fortress of Suceava - details and images
Suceava Fortress was part of the system of fortifications built in Moldova at the end of the fourteenth century when the Ottoman threat occurrence. The medieval fortifications fortified settlements included (royal court, monasteries with high walls and fortresses of strategic importance), for defense, fortified with walls of stone or earth walls with deep trenches.
The fortress was built in the late fourteenth century by Petru I Musat and it was fortified in the fifteenth century by Stephen the Great. Currently, Suceava Fortress is in ruins.
Fortress of Suceava was included in the list of historical monuments in Suceava County in 2004.
It consists of the following four objectives:
Fort Musatin - dates back centuries. XIV
Outdoor enclosure - dates from 1476-1478
Ditch defense - dates from the late century. XV
Wall - dating from the second half of the century. XV
To these is added an archaeological site, the City of Seat plateau, which is located at the "Field ditches, on the eastern edge of the city and northern slopes of the hill, dating from the Middle Ages (XIV-XVII).
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