Frasinei Monastery - details and images
Muereasca Situated in the village, 25 km from Ramnicu Valcea, Frasinei Monastery is actually two churches.
Frasinei Monastery Church, and called the Great Church, with dedicated "Assumption", with the entire ensemble of buildings, in the shape of the city, is founded by St. Calinic Cernica, Ramnic Bishop, who built it between 1860-1863, year and sanctify it. The painting, done in oil by painter Transylvania Misu Pop Tattarescu's style was washed in 1968 by painter Aritium Avachian. This church is a historical monument.
Old Hermitage Church, dedicated to "The Birth of St. John the Baptist, was built of wood and Stefan Hilarion Bulgarian monks, in 1710 and rebuilt the wall in the years 1762-1763 and Damian Iovipali Iovipali Carstea, brothers of Ramnic hajj together with Nicola Iovipali son Carstea, with the blessing of the Bishop of Ramnic, Filaret. Around this monastery but there were cells which were not kept. Since 1787, the Russo-Turkish war, the hermitage is left devastated and remains until 1848, when the monk cernican Acacius rebuilt, with the permission of George Iovipali, descendant of the first founders. Close Acresta brick church porch, turning it into the narthex, it depicts the cells and restored rooms. Keep the old church painting since 1763, executed by the painter Theodore, and that of the vestibule of 1848.
The chapel dedicated to the "Three Holy Hierarchs, residential buildings from the south and east, were made by Bishop Gerasimos of Roman Safir (1910-1911), former chair of the Diocese Archimandrite Ramnic-Severin, which completes the south wing and east of the fortress monastery on the side wall, which was left blank by Saint Calinic in 1888.
Monastic life here resembles that of Mount Athos monastery women are not allowed to enter (only in the upper church, on the bottom and allowed women) and do not cook with meat. In this respect, St. Calin in 1867 placed a covenant rock about 2 kilometers from the monastery, where he is today a church and outbuildings to accommodate women. The stone is engraved in Cyrillic covenant blessings both for those who keep this covenant, and curses for those who will tread the holy determination. To prove this is what the words engraved on the stone says the pledge:
"This holy place was built in telmelie chinovie parents to be monks and female because of the scandal could bring some monks living thing there, so as hard now stopped at this place to pass before, in any way , female. And those who dare to pass the curse to be alive and all his misfortunes on them, such as poverty, garbavia and all sorts of punishment, and again those who will keep this decision to have the blessing of God to our humble and good lucky to come upon them. Calinic Bishop Ramnic Severin, 17 ian.1867. "
Holy Covenant Calinic strictly comply. Even during his pastoririi, those who were board were harshly punished. It is known episode Muereasaca young pastoral village, which has passed the border by mistake and was stricken with epilepsy, being forced to seek the help of the Holy Calinic to be forgiven and healed at the same time.
It is the only monastery in the country that has not been secularized, still keeping their farmland to this day.
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