Ghriba Synagogue - details and images
Ghriba, built in 586 i.Ch, is the most famous synagogue in Tunisia and the second oldest and so important that the world is located near the village of Er-Riadh (Hara Sghira old), 9 km from Houmt Souk. The Jewish community in Djerba after the destruction reached the temple of Solomon in Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar.
They say that the temple stones were brought in Djerba and were used to build the synagogue. Synagogue means' miracle''or, awkwardness''According to Arab and reflects the special status of Tunisian synagogue in Jewish traditions. being a place of pilgrimage for Jews around the world, especially once the annual celebration Ba'omer, which coincides with the day after the pasta XXXIII Hebrew. The legend, a sacred stone had fallen from heaven in the year 600 BC and a mysterious girl appeared, asking people to build a temple.
Although in recent years from the Jewish community was reduced to almost a thousand people due to mass immigration, it is one of the oldest in the world and Jews can carry out their religious practices here in silence. Synagogue preserved in its walls one of the oldest recituri the Torah, which is said to have been written on gazelle skin and Ieruslaim saved from the destruction of Solomon's temple.
The interior decorated with blue tiles and polychrome stained glass. The synagogue is open and visitors are counted among Muslims and many children accompanied by their teachers.
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