Golden Roof - details and images
Goldenes Dachl (Golden Roof), the first tourist attraction that awaits all visitors to the city. This magnificent roof window with brass plates was built by Archduke Friedrich IV, sec.15, the residence of the Tyrolean sovereigns in 1494-1496 and to commemorate the marriage of Bianca Maria Sforza to Maximilian I of Milan and has served as Lodge royal luxury, where the Court held in civic celebrations following the market bottom. Balcony of the house that was completely rebuilt in 1822, was before a ducal palace (Neuer Hof), formed by stacking, around 1420, the second fresco. Bottom rail is decorated with coats of arms and open balcony above the ten-reliefs.
Golden Roof is made of copper plates 2657, which gives the appearance of gold.
Maximilian was an emperor who extended his territory by marriage and not through military conquest. Not wanting to remove their allies gained from his first marriage, to Mary of Burgundy, it demanded that the balcony railing to be painted both of his wives. Handrail on the first floor is adorned with the emblem representing Austria and Hungary, two-headed eagle of the empire, and Burgundy and Milan, and Tyrol and Styria. Murals around the balcony are two ancient Empire and flags, respectively, of the Province of Tyrol, where the city of Innsbruck. Original friezes are displayed at the Museum Ferdinandeum
A hybrid Gothic and Baroque, which is located in the old town with medieval buildings, painted in pastel colors and supported by buttresses against landslides. Main street of the old town is Herzog-Friedrich-Strasse, which opens into a central square covered with arches. There is a maze of alleys.
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