Gondola in Constanta - details and images
The owner of the only original gondola, bought even in Venice and brought to Constanta in 2016, at the beginning of May, delighted us with beautiful walks in the Tomis Port Aquarium. The gondola is a lightweight, lightweight, slightly asymmetrical boat on the left sideboard (porthole) for maneuvering and propelling with a single pushchair, the gondolier being fixed to the stern on the right sideboard (starboard). This type of recreational craft was first recorded at the beginning of the second millennium, in a decree by the poet Vitale Faliero de Doni of 1094. However, the current appearance and the black color were regulated in 1562 when it was also regulated by the decree of the dog, the fact that it is intended exclusively for the transport of persons and is led by a single vowel. The gondolas are manually built in small construction sites located in San Trovaso Square in Venice, each boat having not less than 280 different parts and subassemblies, the wooden elements being traditionally made out of eight different essences.
A gondola ride takes about 15-20 minutes and costs 25 lei/adult and 10 lei/child (2-11.99 years)
The gondola has a maximum capacity of 6 people (5 persons + gondolier).
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