Gorge Gorge - details and images
Separated only by about 20 km from the city Bicaz Gorge Gorge is one of the most attractive tourist areas of the country. Located in the mountains of central Hasmas, belonging to the Eastern Carpathians, and is bounded on the north and northwest of Great Suhardul (1506 m) and south-east of Suhardul Breakfast (1352 m), connecting the counties of Harghita and Neamt. Keys, with a length of 8 km, which lies between the resort and the village of Red Lake Bicazul Ardelean, are formed by the river and its tributaries Bicaz (of which the most important is Bicajel) and connects Transylvania and Moldavia.
The area is crossed by the road linking the city transcarpathian DN 12C Gheorgheni of Bicaz.
Gorge Gorge Gorge National Park are part of the Gorge - which is Hasmas protected areas: Red Lake, Gorge Gorge, Gorge suck, Hasmasul Mare - Lonely and Hasmasul Black.
All the way from the Gorge Gorge is formed by coils of great beauty. The limestone walls of caves hidden rocks of great beauty (the Black Cave, Niagara Cave) and ravines (Licas, pit with three entries). All small tributary streams are in turn Gorges other keys such as keys Lapos, keys suck, Bicajel Gorge.
One can admire the stone altar - a rocky mountain 1120 high, rocky massifs Pintestilor Stone (847 m) and Piatra heat (835 m). Among rocks near some special mention Surduc Stone, Stone Gate & policies Bardosului.
Narrow road construction, the relief sought to defeat a serpentine chain of spectacular, started in 1912. From the initial destination of the military road, was reached after one of the most important ways to pass between Transylvania and Moldova, stressing its role by giving the recent appointment of the new tunnel.
Both sides of the narrow valley is guarded by vertical cliffs of 300-400 m, which towers over passers by would like to wrap it, so close to each other that even sunlight can not penetrate.
Before flowing into Bicaz Bicajel was an unfinished attic, which is called Bridge Hungarians, beginning in the 1940s. Initially the bridge was designed to bypass the most dangerous part of the gorge, ladului neck, but could not finish because of the war. To the left of the bridge rises Bardosului wall with the neck ladului Sentinel. From the river mouth area Bicajel most spectacular start with a key length of 800 m, ladului neck that slips between stone and wall Surduc Bardosului
Gorges were formed by erosion of softer Mesozoic limestones. The combination of different colored rock types and varied in form and structure, common path Bicazu Arden - Red Lake, makes a huge cleft Gorges Valley to be one of the most remarkable tourist trails in the Carpathians. The keys are guarded by the heights: killer, Stone Altar (Tower Bardosului) Suhard. In some rocks there are hiking trails.
Here were identified and most alpine routes, so do not wonder athletes climbers often hung above the road like colorful spiders of the air.
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