Grand Canal - details and images
Grand Canal, or "Canalazzo for the Venetian, is the main channel of Venice, which divides the city into two. It represents the main communication route along Venice's most important buildings are located in Oraa. Most of the buildings belonged to the patrician families of rich merchants. There have also built houses called "Fondaco" (house-holding), because there was so inside their store, and the house itself as merchants (one of the most famous home is the Turks).
Near the Rialto Bridge, the most famous of the four bridges of the Great Canal, palaces were built for trade, for example Ceca. Throughout history, this channel was the most heavily used route and throughput vaporetto, water taxis and gondolas. To enjoy the majestic buildings on both sides of the Grand Canal, the index is a gondola ride, and better to perform together with the pair. The other three bridges of the Canal are: Bridge Academy, Scalzi Bridge and Bridge of the Constitution. Until the nineteenth century to carry traffic along the canal, for which there is only one bridge crossing the canal (Rialto Bridge). To date, there have also built two other bridges: Scalzi bridge and the bridge of the Academy and another is under construction. Every year, the first Sunday in September, takes place Historical Regatta, which attracts a large number of typical Venetian boats.
Grand Canal is the highest rated district in Venice: the houses are older (built between the XIII century - XVIII), decorations are much larger scale and has the easiest transport boats with the largest boats in city traffic. It is normal when you consider that this channel offers greater opportunities for any visitor to see the buildings that it delineates.
Transport channel bus is either water or private water taxis (gondolas). Canal stretches from Laguna to San Marco basin. Grand Canal is truly enchanting magic contributing to one of the most beautiful cities in the world.
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