Greek City - Romanian Argamum - details and images
Archaeological research carried out here in the years 1926 - 1932 and 1965 without significant interruption allowed the unveiling of monuments and historical sketch for the city for over 12 centuries of existence. Fortress, the first settlement on the present territory of Romania was mentioned in an ancient source (Hecataios, Periegesis) was founded in mid-century. BC VII. The Greeks in Asia Minor at least a generation before the city Istros / Histria, in an area with traces of habitation from the Bronze Age and First Iron Age.
From the archaic period an impressive funerary complex dating from the city cemetery that belonged to an important character from the first generation of settlers, traces the eastern coast, two kilns for pottery craft, the classical period is illustrated by a segment of wall site, buildings and furnaces located at the head of the headland, associated barrow groups based on family tombs in the necropolis of the city, late Hellenistic and early Roman eras are represented by some remains stored on the shelf argamens beyond the defensive system of Roman-Byzantine city.
Romanian City had an area of approximately 2.6 hectares, an apparent triangular shape with eight towers, six buttresses (bastions) and two main gates. The defense included, in addition to the site, and two waves of earth ditch. Inside the fortress were excavated and partly restanrate, a series of public and private buildings dating from. V-VII: "praetorium" basilica with three naves and chapels (conventionally called basilica no. 3), the central basilica (Basilica 2), the largest of argamense basilicas, with a nave basilica (Basilica 1), housing and part of the street. 0 fourth basilica, small, with one ship, was discovered at about 1.3 km from the western gate.
Roman-Byzantine necropolis of the city inhabited the area previously occupied (first century BC. - IV AD) outside the defensive. In the city Orgame / Argamum at aproxinnativ 2.5 km to the east, the churches on the island is a Roman-Byzantine fortress and traces of classical Greek and Hellenistic era, and early medieval.
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