Herastrau - Bucharest - details and images
Herastrau Park was built in 1936 on the shores of Lake Herăstrău (74 hectares) and is the largest park in Bucharest.
Lake in the center of the park is part of the chain of river lakes Colentina. It is used for sports and recreational sailing. The shores of the lake is dammed to prevent flooding. Herastrau occupying an area of about 110 ha. While it was considered that the park surrounding the lake can be arranged in two areas: one for quiet recreation and culture (the land where the old park) and an area for active leisure, sport and entertainment.
Park today counts among its attractions, a summer theater, exhibition halls, clubs and water sports, cafes and restaurants, a hotel and many other facilities. The ideal place where you can practice almost any kind of sport and has areas for recreation and culture and sporting and entertainment areas.
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