Hermitage Pachomius - details and images
Being situated in the village Olanesti (Mens village), Valcea county, about 30 km from Ramnicu Valcea, in Skull Mountain ridges, admission to the monastic settlement is on Route 64A, Ramnicu Valcea - Olanesti, through Pausesti-Maglasi , Key left round the village, then the Key Valley on a forest road and practicable and affordable vehicles, until nice spring, gushing out from under the stone cliff about 50 meters long, which is the hermitage church built having "Saint Ilie Tesviteanul.
Above the spring on a concrete base, there is a large metal cross on which Jesus Christ was crucified in size. At his feet is the icon of the Virgin Mary who has written over his head Psalmist's words: "As the deer desires the fountains of waters, and my heart just wants you, God." Hermitage is the entrance through a gate that was encrypt "Welcome." On the left is the gate bell, made of wood.
The actual inscription of the hermitage results that are founders and Sava monk Pachomius outlaw, in 1520, justifying the name of the Hermitage Pachomius Beautiful Spring.
After another inscription, this would not be other than Pachomius big money Craiovescu Barbu, founder of the Bistrita Monastery, which in the years 1519-1520, when rebuilds Bistrita, slid the gun Mihnea Rau in 1509, builds and Pachomius Monastery, in memory Nice fact that the spring in desert Buila in the path through the woods looking for him to get to Sibiu, to escape the wrath of Mihnea, finds his life rescuing those accompanying him in exile. Among his friends was the captain of the army Sava Sava became the outlaw, the fact that master lingering for a long time here, often made incursions into the neighboring villages to get food.
Inscription dated 1684 from the Hermitage today is supposed to be the year took place repair hermitage, the same year was restored by Constantin Brancoveanu Bistrita Monastery, as a descendant of Craioveşti.
Of 17 decembie 1824, we have data written on the state hermitage "Beautiful Spring" - monastery Metochion Iezer: "The church is to totally demolished." Since 1880, the hermitage was abandoned. Only in 1952 the church was rebuilt in its original form, after remaining features walls with masonry and carpentry Mens Costesti, Stan Hermeanu painting is executed in 1956. painting has deteriorated with time, was rebuilt in 1997 by Nicolae Popa deacon of Perisani.
Blessing of the hermitage was made on 30 September 1956, by Bishop Joseph Ramnic and was entrusted to the guidance of Father Benjamin Patrunsa Hermitage.
Dweller first monk of the hermitage was renewed Ioasaf Ionescu Arnota came from. He died in 1980 and is buried near the wall bisericutei hermitage. Thereafter, the hermitage is shepherded by the young monk Galaction Zelig, the father of a spiritual form of the Monastery Frasinei Sovrea Lavrenty, animated sketches of creatures and taking him for such anonymity. Feeling tired, Father Gerasimos Galaction asked Grace, Father Jerome hieromonk Tamas Nicula the monastery, the spiritual son of Ananias Eminence Bartholomew, Archbishop of Cluj, to take charge of the hermitage. The application is approved on or after January 1, 2002.
The church, built under a large rock (which is the image of God), near a waterfall with mountain water, ice cold, waiting in silence and prayer visitors.
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