Humor Monastery - details and images
The church was built in 1530 by Toader Bubuioc steward and his wife, Anastasia. The monastery is built about 300 meters from the ruins of an old church whose construction has been done since the days of Alexander the Good, in 1400. For the first time in the construction of churches in Moldova, here in Gura Humorului, is open porch and a new upstairs room called the secret, which overlaps the mortuary. From the porch, can penetrate into the narthex, and, further, the mortuary and to the nave. Are particularly impressive and attract admiration, Humor church, its exterior frescoes painted in 1535 by Thomas Painter. Each face is painted iconographic themes: the Annunciation Akathist south, the northern Jesse Tree, following the Judgement of western and sunset Cinul including a procession of angels, prophets, apostles, bishops, martyrs and saints on the altar and the side apses .
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