Iulian Antonescu Museum of Art - Bacau - details and images
Museum of Art was founded in 1957 as a branch of the Regional Museum of History and Art Bacau. Over time has altered the title and address. He called on the line: art department in Bacau County Museum Complex (1981 - 1991), Bacau Art Museum (1991-1999), Art and Ethnography Museum (1999-2003) and again the art department of the Museum Complex " Iulian Antonescu "Bacau 2003.
The current museum building work in 1976, this permanent exhibition is housed, warehouses and offices restoration laboratory.
The first works of art made in the inventory department in 1957 were purchased from painter Nicu Enea. The following 14 papers were transferred from the Municipal Picture Gallery (founded in 1937 by Nicu Enea painting and Ion Diaconescu). 8 Other works were transferred from the Department of Education Bacau.
In the period 1960-1966 have made important acquisitions and transfers. These remarkable works are signed by Nicolae Grigorescu, Gheorghe Petrascu Stephen Dimitrescu Octav Bancila, Camil Ressu Ion mole, John Andrew, Misu Popp, Stefan Popescu, Iosif Iser, Anton Cladek, Theodor Aman, Adam Bălţatu, Michaela Eleutheriade Sava Hentia, GD Mirea Constantine Stahi Arthur Verona, works that constituted the core value of the permanent exhibition of art.
Since 1968, the museum's collections have been recorded almost annually works by artists from Bacau: Ion Burdujoc, Ilie Boca, Ion Diaconescu, Gheorghe Mocanu, George sails, Salome sails Didina Solomon, Peter Pince etc.
The dynamics of an important heritage enrichment have had donations. Thus, in 1970, Mrs. Elvira Enea, Nicu Enea painter's wife, donated the museum 130 paintings and 210 graphic works, together with the terrain and objects that belonged to the painter.
In 1977 plastic Mariana Cretzu Medeleni museum 40 works donated and George Apostu two works of sculpture.
By 1989 heritage museum continued to grow both through acquisitions and transfers.
After 1990 a series of contributions from the artists or their heirs to a great extent contributed to increasing collections. These are works by Lucia Cosmescu (455), Stefan Constantinescu (77), Michael Silion Lucretia (26), Lucia Beller (41) Nicolae Brana (155), and Octavian Angheluta Corina (318), Hortensia Masichievici (70) Constantin Platon (31).
In the same period, by organizing two international events, International Creative Arts Camp Salons Tescani and Moldova, contemporary art collections were filled with works of Romanian artists and foreign participants and prizes.
If in 1976, the time of the current museum building in the heritage museum there were 840 paintings, graphics, sculpture and decorative art, in 1989 there were 2700 papers in 2006 the number of works of art which came to 4722: art old (icons) 84, art-1670-2650 graphics, sculptures and decorative art-249-69.
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