Julia Hasdeu Castle - details and images
Castle "Iulia Hasdeu" Campina, built between 1893 and 1896, is a museum Bogdan Petriceicu Hasdeu built to commemorate her daughter, who died at 18 from tuberculosis. Iulia Hasdeu, child genius, was the first Roman graduated Sorbonne in France.
Visitors who visit the museum can admire the portraits of family members Hasdeu, family objects, photographs and original documents, over a century old furniture, manuscripts and collections of journals led by the great philologist times at which he worked, first editions of books scholar, and valuable paintings signed by famous painters such as Sava Hentia, Nicolae Grigorescu, GD Mirea or Maillart Diogenes.
Also, throughout the exhibition occupies important place BPHasdeu's spiritualist concerns.
Castle Halls
Hall 1 - Hall of delivery of Ms Yulia Haşdeu wife, writer, where the marble bust of the writer's wife;
Hall 2 - living room with family portraits painted in medallions on the walls of the room;
Hall 3 - Temple of the Castle, the highest tower, which has a nave and an altar with parallel mirrors. In mid-tower, with metal stairs, is the Jesus statue, sculpted by Raphael Casciana. War, earthquakes and human ignorance often affected the Castle, but the statue of Jesus was never reached. In this room you can see the three rooms, one blue, one red and green colors of stained glass data.
Hall 4 - BPHaşdeu Bureau's work, which are portraits of the scholar, and wife Julia.
Hall 5 - Room dedicated to JuliaHaşdeu , where visitors can see Julia's doll, a sculpture bust of Julia Haşdeu, by Ioan Georgescu, Carrara marble, made in 1890. Also, here is the diary of Julia and math book.
Hall 6 - dark room, where they held meetings spiritualism, which has a rock dove, an astronomical telescope, a lamp and a statuette of Jesus.
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