Kaprun Alpine Reservoirs - details and images
Even if plans were not complete, and accurate construction area was not established, the "Tauern Power Plant" there in 1938. The building was doubled in the war. Hard work conditions, bad weather, avalanches and life in labor camps and left their mark on "men and women in Kaprun.
Despite growing shortages of construction materials, the first car plant and an auxiliary tank Hauptstufe Kaprun, could be commissioned in September 1944. Based on the work of the main plant, the works were resumed in 1947. Wall Limberg 120 m arch dam was completed in September 1951 and Hauptstufe Kaprun power station, was finally ordered in 1952.
Works on Oberstufe Kaprun power station began in 1950. Drossen of dams and reservoirs Mooser Mooserboden, Margeritze tank, central tunnel connecting Oberstufe Moll and 12 km long, all were completed in 1955.
Their work on work, love, struggle and life in Tal Kapruner site, have created a myth for novelists and filmmakers about those times, which still exists today.
You can reach Mooserboden Reservoir, the largest reservoir in Europe opened environmentally inclined and buses with a modern lift. Inclined elevators can carry large loads and can overcome extreme slopes. The steepest slope is inclined elevator Lärchwand. Participating in one of the tours, you will become familiar with "life inside a dam."
Enjoy the superb Glockner Group and Hohe Tauern National Park, the restaurant's sunny terrace Mooserboden mountain.
To get up from the two dams and lakes, the trail consists of three parts: first to take buses - than it goes through the woods, then go into a tunnel of stone (each tunnel has a number, and entry can see exactly what length is), in the second you climb the highest mountain in diagonal lift in Europe - can climb weights of several tons, and in the third part of other coaches will get where you left elevator - with them you go into a tunnel of stone, very narrow at this time. All three parts of the ascent are perfectly synchronized.
At the exit, after a few minutes, you can admire the lake first. Surrounding slopes have snow all year round, and blue water is fantastic.
You will continue climbing up the dam (actually composed of two tiny dams) - Lake Superior has a gorgeous color and is slightly larger.
Get up, you can admire the magnificent panorama. There are two large terraces where you can relax and you can walk on two dams that make up the upper dam.
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