Kazimierz District - details and images
Kazimierz, the old quarter Hebrew is one of the most interesting places in Krakow, testament to the importance of the Mosaic community in history. It has no less than seven synagogues, impressive architectural masterpieces.
Unfortunately, after the persecution during the Second World War left the neighborhood was ruined and the price of decades, many old buildings making it almost destroyed. Only much later the former owners and their followers were once again in possession of many of the houses, renovandu and turning them into modern homes and offices, while respecting the traditional architectural lines.
Extraordinary is the Hebrew district in Krakow that there are two of the most beautiful Gothic churches in Poland, St Catherine and Corpus Christi, demonstrating that the price for centuries the two communities lived together in a cosmopolitan and tolerant climate, which helped rapid development of the city.
In fact, in the past, Kazimierz was famous for its scholars and artists from here. Today, the old quarter Hebrew is an interesting mix of original and elegant hotels, restaurants and luxury villas, modest building with small shops and workshops, cafes, art galleries. The atmosphere has made it very popular for special guests and often cobbled streets you can see groups of tourists coming from all over the world.
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