Maria Square (Marienplatz) - details and images

Maria Market is located in downtown Munich, Germany, since 1158. From the Middle Ages, various fairs were held here and tournaments between knights. Today Maria Market is dominated by the new City Hall building, located in the north. Carillon (musical instrument) of the Town Hall tower is inspired by the tournaments that took place here and attract millions of tourists annually. On the east side is the old City Hall building. It is a gothic style building, the tower has been rebuilt.

Zona pietonala dintre Piata Maria si Piata Karl este o zona foarte aglomerata, cu numeroase magazine si restaurante. Statiile S-Bahn si U-Bahn sunt situate putin mai jos si sunt importante noduri de transport public.
Piata a fost denumita astfel dupa Coloana Mariana ridicata aici in anul 1638 pentru a celebra sfarsitul ocupatiei suedeze pe timpul Razboiului de 30 de ani. In varful coloanei este amplasata o statuie aurita a Fecioarei Maria facuta in anul 1590 ce o prezinta pe aceasta stand in picioare pe o semiluna ca fiind Regina Raiului.

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