Maritime Museum (Museum Prins Hendrik Maritiem) - details and images
Maritime Museum is a museum downtown and seaport in Rotterdam, before being known as the Prins Hendrik Maritime Museum. Near Harbour Museum is a museum with a large collection vessel and storage facilities, which is freely accessible.
Maritime Museum is one of the world's leading maritime museums. In addition to exhibits and the collection of high quality profile, offers a program of events for the general public. Besides, in all its splendor, is a museum ship 'Buffel'.
Among the facilities found at the museum, there are restaurant, library and gift shop. Lloyd's hospitality restaurant offers you a cup of coffee or a delicious lunch with a beautiful view over the port "Leuve. When the weather is nice sidewalk cafe is a good place to relax.
Modern Library has a valuable collection, where visitors can find plenty of information about the history of shipbuilding and shipping. Admission is free. The museum's library is open to the public from Tuesday to Friday and first Saturday of each month from 10 am to 17 also is open on Mondays and in July and August and during school holidays.
It is closed on Mondays, Sundays and holidays.
Also a great place to find souvenirs and gifts is the museum shop.
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