Massif Ciucas - details and images
Ciucaş Massif is a relief unit of the Curvature Carpathians, belonging to the Eastern Carpathian Mountains. It is located east of the upper courses of rivers and Tărlung Teleajen. It is bordered by mountains and mountains Tataru Siriu south-east and east Intorsurii Depression, Mountains Mountains Grohotis Intorsurii north and west.
Mountain ridges are composed of clusters of age-cenomaliana alpiana shape of the Cretaceous a much more vast area, so called Zaganu conglomerates, have a look round towers, with rocks and curious forms (Babele to Tip, pans, Eagle Rock, Sphinx Bratocei Tower, Goliath, Giant Corner, Devil's Mine (names suggested by their appearance).
Ciucas Massif, with an impressive relief of a very picturesque, is a real castle, consisting of main peaks: Bratocea Zaganu NW and NE, linked by an enlargement.
The area at the foot of the mountain, key depression, is where many gather creeks (time, Piriul Beer, small key), which forms the valley Teleajenul.
There is a nature reserve with ruiniform relief and rich vegetation of meadows, shrubs (blueberry, juniper, smârdar, juniper) and plants rocks (green sedge, edelweiss).
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