Medieval Village Turin - details and images
Medieval Torino Village is an outdoor museum located along the banks of the Po River in the Valentino Park in Turin.
The entrance is made by a mobile bridge, creating the sensation of a time and space trip to find moments of tranquility in porches, fountains, handicrafts, gardens and a castle that looks at you from the top of its imposing dimension.
The medieval village visit can be divided into two parts: first, open access affects the lower part of the village, almost at the river level, and the second one with a plane ticket paid to the castle and the garden.
The visit to the village may vary according to the length of time you notice the details of the houses along the street and the courtyard, the interest in craft shops, the desire to sit to watch the popular video present in the projection room.
The visit to the fortress takes about 45 minutes and is always accompanied by museum staff are able to provide the necessary explanations for the understanding and interpretation of the castle, its rooms and its garden.
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