Mihai Eminescu Memorial House - details and images
The house where he lived the poet Mihai Eminescu (1850-1889) in the village Ipoteşti Botosani county.
In 1850, George Eminovici caminar family bought an estate in the village Ipoteşti, where it will build a house with all the annexes that can complete a wealthy household. The house had three rooms: family room, office and bedroom Eminescu mother's father and sisters of the poet. In this house Eminovici family lived until 1878.
In 1924, the house where he grew Mihai Eminescu and remained uninhabited for years, had a wreck. In 1934, the house was rebuilt on the same site, there is a museum first opened in 1940 dedicated to the great poet. This house does not respect the original structure, so that was demolished, another was rebuilt in 1979 after the original documents on the old foundation of the house damiliei Eminovici. The house is furniture - partly original, partly derived from the second half of the nineteenth century.
Mother poet, Raluca Eminovici, bought a yellow 250-family church, which dates from the 60s of the nineteenth century from a specific Murgulet. Place of worship is small but houses more valuable. Behind are the graves of his parents bisericuţei Eminescu (and Raluca Gheorghe Eminovici) and his two brothers (Iorgu and Niklas).
The memorial courtyard house Papadopol Eminescu is an antique farmhouse in the Moldavian style, which belonged to the last owner of the estate Ipoteşti - Dr. Papadopol. Currently, there is the Museum of Ethnography of the National Center for the Study of Ipoteşti being exposed objects from old homesteads.
At 4 miles from Memorial Ipoteşti, Baisa forest lake is a source of inspiration for many poems of Mihai Eminescu.
Mihai Eminescu Memorial House at Ipoteşti can be visited every day (Monday to Sunday) in the time slot 9-17 (May 15 to September 15) and 8-16 (September 16 to May 14).
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