Mocanita in Viseu de Sus - details and images

Often called "Mocăniţa the Vaser Valley, Forest Railway in Viseu de Sus is located in northern Romania, on the border with Ukraine and enriching both technically and culturally. On a route of about 60 kilometers run - in addition to diesel engines - steam engines to today's fiery wood, so that CFF Viseu de Sus (short for Forest Railway) is known worldwide as the last logging railroad True, working with steam.

The line was built by the Austro-Hungarian 760mm track leads into a charming wilderness valley, along the Vaser River, over bridges and through tunnels. Railway draws a huge wooded area, where there are no roads or villages, but is inhabited only by bears and wolves.

In 1932 he began construction on Forest Railway, which compared with a mean rafting enormous technical progress.
Forestry railways spread across Europe at the time, especially in the Carpathian area. Their principle of operation was simple: following the river, it was necessary to narrow radius curves (hence the narrow gauge railway is) was so organized that tricks bare wood small locomotives were drawn up on the trains heavily loaded with descending to the valley, towards the logs, only from time to time the locomotive and helped curbed.

Since 2000 the forest track is supported from abroad by association "Hilfe für die Wassertalbahn" With the Swiss were reinstated who had been withdrawn from service locomotives were purchased in November and coaches were depot and restaurant historic building to the station. Around the station in Viseu de Sus is an important infrastructure which can be used for tourism.

Since 2005, visitors traveling under a program coaches and hauled by steam locomotives, and in 2007 Vaser Valley is part of Natural Park "Maramures Mountains" being under European protection.

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