Moldovita Monastery - details and images
By carefully ruler Petru Rares in 1532 the monastery was built Moldovita. A royal house, huts, four defense towers and famous make up the whole church. Defended by strong walls with more than 6 feet tall, having a thickness of 1.20 meters, while the abbey acquired a slight appearance of a fortress, but that does not take away the charm that is endowed Moldovita.
Moldova is individualized by some iconographic elements ordinance by painting style and the dominant tone of red-brown color, from blue and green trees Voronet or red-ocher of Humor.
Painting is a unit of general culture - besides religious scenes, outdoor scenes you can see historical (the siege of Constantinople) and the cultural aspect (ancient philosophers). The pillar on the south façade are playing military saints (St. George, Sf.Dimitrie, Sf.Mercurie). Further, the same facade at the top is the hymn, one of the most beautiful iconographic themes which can be seen in churches of Bucovina. Along with the anthem and the siege of Constantinople unsettled appear on "Bush of Moses" is the Tree of Ieseu (theme illustrates the genealogy of Jesus and not missing from any external painted church in Moldova). On the whole interior and exterior painting, which takes place after a specific program, sits a characteristic principle of Christian art - that give the painting synthesis truths of religion.
The church owns property or a few objects of inestimable historical and artistic value: pomelnicul and epitrafurile (pomelnicul sculptural decoration work of art by historical document and also because it contains the notes and the two-epirtafuri embroidery in XV century century). Among the most beautiful pieces there is also the royal throne, issued during the reign of Petru Rares. Notable proportions which give him a monumental allure, chair is decorated with the emblem of Moldova, with braided lines and small cruciferous flower.
In 1785, the convent was abolished, and until 1932 to 1934, when he resumed work as a monastery for nuns, has suffered many damages. Between 1954 - 1960, Moldova has been restored and renewed - roof was completely rebuilt and I was increased to protect paintings framing, foundations have been released to highlight the silhouette of the imposing tower, foundations and base were consolidated, and the walls, towers and cells were reconstructed.
Museum century monastery manuscripts kept XV valuable reference is made to the organization of the monastery school, the cultural activity in general. There were calligraphically, among others, The Four Gospels (1613) and a psalter (1614).
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