Monastery "Saint Voievozi (Slobozia) - details and images
Slobozia Monastery, built in 1616, was completely destroyed by the earthquakes of 1627 and completely rebuilt by Matei Basarab, ruler of Romanian.
Over time, the monastery has had several names, of which we mention: "Slobozia Ianache Monastery," Monastery of the Holy Voievozi "or" Old Monastery Slobozia.
Slobozia Church Monastery is a Greek cross-shaped church, with three towers, of which the great wood, dressed as the tin. The windows are tall, with simple stone box. The interior is well proportioned, the narthex is separated from the nave by four columns that support cafasul. The nave has side aisles, and a wooden altar screen separates the nave from the altar apse.
Slobozia the monastery of the Byzantine style is a symbiosis between traditional and neo-classical influences and romantic neo-Gothic. Iconography is it influenced Western styles. The painting reflects a greater susceptibility to emotional scenes. They make no reference to Christian dogma, but rather scenes are deeply human. The artist takes the art of realistic western decor elements, such as excessive use of clouds in order to delimit a scene and makes the effect of revealing to be continuous.
The original painting was executed in fresco technique, with interventions, in some places, the temperature, especially in playing the funds. restoration attempts have been made in 1900, 1908 and especially between 1935 and 1937, but papers that have contributed more to damage than to restore the painting. between 1995-1997, a team of restorers from the Ministry of Culture painters, from the Department of Historical Monuments, has restored the sanctuary to its former brilliance.
An object is invaluable in the ark, which contains fragments of the holy relics of saints such as St. John Chrysostom, St. Demetrius, St. Ilodor, St. Procopius, St. Artemie, honest wood of the Holy Cross, St. Panteleimon, St. Haralambos and St. Mercurios . This shrine was preserved in a cloth handkerchief, embroidered with gold thread, donated by Mrs. Helen, wife of Matthew Voda Basarab, sanctified church at the monastery in 1636.
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