Mraconia Monastery - details and images
The monastery is located in the village Mraconia Duhová in Mehedinti county, at a distance of 15 km west of the city Orsova, on the left bank of the Danube, which forms in place, the most beautiful gorge This large across them.
Mraconia Monastery was built on the site of a former point of observation and control of shipping on the Danube, because due to architectural relief by narrowness of the gorge and there was no transition can take place simultaneously two vessels.
Mraconia monastery monastery was known as the Danube Valley or Old Ogradena a nearby village. The word "Mraconia" means "hidden place" or "Dark Water." Monastery Mraconia vitregiile knew all the history, the devastation from invaders, peschesului payment, foreign domination and to be swallowed by water.
Building the Iron Gates hydroelectric plant built in the year 1967 I made the settlement to be demolished, its ruins being flooded by Danube waters. Monastery has not received the right to be rebuilt elsewhere. Due to its fate, it has come to be known as "Monastery of under water, Mraconia.
After 1989, the Metropolitan of Oltenia took the initiative then reconstituting Mraconia Monastery. In 1993 to lay the cornerstone of the new church, and in 1995, with the blessing of His Holiness Nestor Vornicescu approval and the Holy Synod, the reinstatement of this facility. The works were completed in 1999-2000.
The present church is dedicated to the Holy Archangels Michael and Gabriel and the Holy Trinity. The church is of brick wall, cross shape. It is divided into the sanctuary, nave, narthex and an open porch. Monastery is a community of monks Mraconia. The initial church, which now is under Danube waters, are preserved only imperial doors and a lamp - in the parish museum Eselnita.
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