Museum of Art - Targu Jiu - details and images
Museum of Art, founded in 1984, Central Park is located in Targu-Jiu.
The museum houses remarkable watercolors of John Murariu, admirable studies in charcoal, pencil and sepia Blendea Vasile, Joseph Smith and Stefan Keber and pastels by Michael Teisanu successful, and Corneliu Alexandru Moscu Mermeze Sever.
All exhibits can be admired old seventeenth century, Flemish and Italian schools belonging.
The nineteenth century is represented in the permanent exhibition of portraits painted by Brasov academiste Misu Popp.
Local Spirit is represented in the museum by Joseph Keber Gorj works great artists (painting easel and religious, occupying an entire room) and Basil Blend (sculpture and painting).
A number of painters who became classics of Romanian artistic space, Petrascu Gheorghe Nicolae Vermont, Henri masts, Aurel Jiquidi, Cumpana Schweitzer, Margaret Sterian Ciucurencu Alexander, are also present, through their works, the Museum of Art in Targu Jiu.
Work unmistakable high-density artistic master of Corneliu Baba once again urge us to meditation.
Remarkable contemporary artists Blendea Constantine, John Peace, Vasile Grigore Salistreanu Ion, Sorin Ionescu and Marin Gerasimos, are present in significant works.
The current generation of artists Gorj, in this exhibition are a few outstanding works of glass artists Michael Neag Topescu and Valer.
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