Museum of Asian Art - details and images
The palace is a special neo-classical building and dates from 1823. Used as a summer residence for the Greek royal family, it is now an oasis dedicated to art. The museum is unique in the south of Europe, because of the richness of its collections. His exhibits belong to Chinese, Indian and Japanese cultures, from the Neolithic to the nineteenth century. The museum also holds the Archives of the Ionian Academy. The "star" of the museum is the collection of porcelains and Chinese art objects from the Shang Dynasty to the Ching Dynasty. The old Royal Palace was built in neoclassical style, between 1819 and 1824, and has two gates: St. Michael and St. George, built by the British in 1823. The Palace's gardens are completed by Venetian aquariums of stone, trees and exotic flowers, turrets. Venetian views of the bay.
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