Museum of History and Archaeology Ploiesti - details and images
The building in which it operates Prahova history museum was built in neoclassical style by architect plans. Orascu, the authors of the University of Bucharest, Academy Library, etc.. Due to historical and artistic value ', the building falls into the category of architectural monuments in Romania.
Since the introduction of the foundation stone on 31 May 1865 and finishing in 1867 and until 1970, when it became the shelter of museology Prahova, this worked prestigious educational institutions, starting with the first secondary Ploiesti - St. Peter and Paul, during the reign of Al. I. Cuza. Over time the building was restored several times, each intervention was marked by concern for the preservation of the original monument. The last restoration, large-scale, took place between 1990 and 1995. On this occasion, strictly observing the architectural personality of the monument, the building has benefited from consolidation and modernization required by the new design theme of the permanent exhibition.
The idea of coordinated reorganization of the permanent exhibition themes County Museum of History and Archaeology, was that of his individuality in the context of institutions in the country, with its heritage, studies and researches undertaken by specialists in various fields (archeology, mediaeval history, modern and contemporary numismatics and medals, etc..). Until now the general theme of the museum, were prepared according to the material means at their disposal, archaeological discoveries that illustrate stages in Prahova county and vehicle-Budureasca Târgşor archaeological reserves, beginning of Ploiesti, events since the mid-nineteenth century (1848 ) and their echoes in Prahova, medals and numismatic cabinets, Prahova prewar cultural aspects of life.
Outside, the museum's entrance is framed by statues of Saints' Peter and Paul, patrons of the Gymnasium that has worked here since 1868. The museum's front yard, creating an evocative atmosphere, were placed busts of rulers: Mircea the Old, Vlad the Impaler, Michael the Brave and Ioan Cuza Aleaxandru great personalities of our national history, whose life and work are closely related to the history and Ploiesti Prahova lands. In the courtyard of the museum have been enhanced, in a comprehensive Lapidary, lithic novels., And memorials - the monumental cross Urloi Valley (Urlati), which mentions the uprising and Dorobantul Seimeni 1655.
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