Museum of Natural History - Iasi - details and images
Former Chancellor house Basil Rosetti, houses since 1844, the Natural History Museum, built at the initiative of members of the Society of Physicians and Naturalists of Iasi, led by James Cihac, Gheorghe Asachi, aiming presentation "earthly riches and subpamantene Moldovan, and curiosities from elsewhere. "This building has a square plan, with three rezalite: two lateral, symmetrical and one on the main facade. Rezalitele express side in front, where saloons, two unequal length.
Main entries put together, it develops along the axis of the building is lit by their narrow sides, unhooked. In the center of the main facade of the museum is the entrance, treated as a porch out in rezalit.
Natural History Museum building was built, around 1800 in neoclassical style with original elements of weather and local shows and a historical significance in that, since 1841, first worked in the local society of physicians and naturalists, and then The first natural history museum in the country.
This architectural monument and an important monument commemorates the day on which preceded the Act of Union. In "Elephant Hall" in this building, on the evening of January 3, 1859, the National Party MPs have decided to support the candidacy of Al.I.Cuza the reign of. In connection with this great event, the room was called the "AI Cuza", and two windows were kept a number of items remaining from Mr. Square.
Parts dating from the nineteenth century, donated by Metropolitan Veniamin Costache such as a collection of mammoth bones and hairy rhinoceros, found hanged as counter weight to sweep a fountain of Rasca, Falticeni land is preserved in museum collections.
Also, the Indian elephant Gaba, Michael bought Sturza plus collection of songs.
Also from this period and a Herbarium consists of a collection of plants from Moldova in 2844, 3000 molluscs and insects, 1,500 minerals, 795 vertebrates.
The museum plays an extremely important educational role, contrinuind active biological process development and scientific education. The study is provided by scientific collections, libraries and laboratories in the present building.
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