Museum of Shanghai Municipality - details and images
Museum impresses not only by grandiosity but by the ability to play and the exact characteristics of the times in which they fosrt made exhibits. Contains more than 112,000 cultural relics, dating from the Stone Age until modern times, including bronze vessels, calligraphic works, paintings, pottery, porcelain, jade objects, Jiaguwen (inscriptions on tortoise shells or animal bones) , imperial seals, old coins, silk embroidery, ivory carvings.
In terms of bronze vessels and musical instruments, some important papers were collected during the Western Zhou Dynasty (1100 BC-771 i.Hr) and include Defang Ding (the reign of King Cheng), Dayu Ding (Kang reign ), Dake and Xiaoke Ding Ding (Xiao reign), and Shid Shihu Gui Gui (Yi reign), as Ding Song (reign of Kang).
Of the 10,000 paintings and calligraphy, are particularly impressive: Yatouwantiejuan, made by Wang Xianzhi Jin dynasty (265-420 years), Kuxuntiejuan, author Huaisu, Qianziwenjuan, made by Gaoxian, Gaoyitujuan, author of dinsatia Sunwei Tang (618-907), Xiashantujuan, realized during the 5 Dong Yuan Dynasty (907-960), which belong to the early period.
The Museum of Shanghai Municipality works can be seen from the time of Ming and Qing dinsatiilor (1368-1911), who were gathered in the Jiangna. Collection of seals during the two dynasties is the best in China. A bowl of jade from the Liangzhu culture is one of the attractions of the museum.
On an area of 28,000 square meters, the museum contains four exhibition with Chinese bronze ware, pottery, porcelain, paintings and ancient sculptures. Many exhibits at the Museum of Shanghai Municipality have been organized in Hong Kong, Japan and the U.S., and bronze objects exhibition, exhibition of Chinese art from the last 6000 years, Shanghai Museum, Shanghai Museum exhibition of porcelain, etc.
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