National Museum of Natural History Antipa - details and images
National Museum of Natural History "Grigore Antipa Museum Bucharest is located in Kiseleff road. 1. Heritage museum consists of over 2 million songs, grouped in various zoological, paleontological, minerals and rocks and ethnographic.
The institution maintains a precious heritage consists of osteological collections, zoological, mineralogical, geological, paleontological and ethnographic, plus library, drawings, sketches, maps, paintings, objects inherited from the scientists and explorers from the past: in total, over 2 million pieces, the largest and most diverse in Romania. Unable to be exposed all at once, some of them using alternative temporary exhibitions, most of the remaining drawers to use as a basis for a broad range of research in natural sciences.
Zoological collections of the Museum allow documentation of biodiversity in the country and abroad, geological and paleontological collections show continuous changes in land cover, climate, biodiversity in the present territory of Romania, and ethnographic collections capture one of the subtle aspects of biodiversity: the diversity of socio- cultural. Collections allow synthetic understanding of evolution, consistent vision of Grigore Antipa Geonomic, pupil of Ernst Haeckel, who in turn forged ecological vision of nature and mankind's relationship with the environment.
The curators and conservators care to preserve the special deposits, this impressive heritage and to avoid damage to sensitive parts from the action of light, dust or moisture.
Museum "Grigore Antipa" has a long tradition in scientific research. The team of specialists within the institution, one of the largest teams of zoologists in Romania, participated in numerous research programs, both domestically and abroad. These specialists have completed or participated in numerous studies on biodiversity in various regions in Romania (Danube Delta, Danube plain, southern Dobrogea, Maramures, Banat, Romanian Plain, a series of mountains in the Southern Carpathians: Ciucaş Stone Mountains, Fagaras, Retezat Gorge area) or abroad (Indonesia, Brazil, Iceland, Turkey, etc.).
Museum experts examine both systematic fauna, ecology and zoogeography of various groups of invertebrate and vertebrate fauna of Romania and global and museology (museum studies, public relations, the social role of museums, the modern methods of exposure to modern techniques of conservation , restoration and naturalization records of material from the collections ...).
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