Nations Palace (Palais des Nations) - details and images
The core of this monumental complex, the largest diplomatic center in the world, was built in 1930 to house the League of Nations, which later became the United Nations (UN). United Nations Office at Geneva (ONUG) is the main European component of the United Nations - UN. Play the role of the Office of the Secretary General of the UN representative in Geneva and is based in the Palace of Nations - Palais des Nations.
In fact, even today one of the UN headquarters is here (the other being at New York), its corridors wearing the most important steps world leaders, but also thousands of international delegates participating in various conferences and come to advocate for burning issues of modern society, such as human rights, environmental protection and nuclear disarmament.
United Nations Palace is located and can be visited. It is situated in Ariana Park, which was donated by Geneva in 1890 by Gustave Revilliod of Rive, the three conditions, primarily the park to remain open to the public, that he be buried in the park to walk free as peacocks there, what I do now. Under the cornerstone Palais des Nations is a time capsule that contains a document listing the name of the League of Nations Member States, a copy of the League Covenant, and specimen coins from all countries represented at the Tenth Meeting of the league. The building overlooks Lake Geneva and has a clear view to the French Alps.
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