Natural History Museum of Alexandroupolis - details and images
The first room of the Museum of Natural History in Alexandroupolis offers visitors information about the types of protected areas and the particularities of the ecosystems of eastern Macedonia and Thrace.
The second room has a modern technological system for displaying an excellent video documentary about the biodiversity of Evros. In the three areas of the hall are presented the basic categories of the region's ecosystems:
The aquatic ecosystems include rivers, streams and lakes of the prefecture, which also includes the Evros Delta, with excellent illustrations.
Marine ecosystems have exhibited such as shell compositions and seabed illustration.
In the last room of the Museum of Natural History in Alexandroupolis is presented the relation of man with nature. A series of collectable photos and a short video report the human intervention in the environment, which is sometimes destructive and sometimes life saving.
The Natural History Museum of Alexandroupolis is housed in a modern building, in the lush Platanotopos of Maistros, two kilometers from the city center.
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