Navy Museum Constanta - details and images
The museum depends on Navy Command and includes several sections:
Navigation in Antiquity, the Greeks, Romans, vessels in the fleet of Pontus Euxin and Ister;
Navigation in the Middle Ages, Byzantine, Despotate Dobrogea, Mircea the Old and Stefan cel Mare ships;
Navigation on the Danube mouths, Ottoman period;
The first modern Romanian ships, the War for Independence, naval battles on the Danube;
Romanian Navy history and modern navigation, the two world wars, trade fleet.
These domains and subdomains are presented in museum held collections consisting of:
amphorae and ancient ceramic
ship models such as Marita (1834) or "Bricul Mircea" (1862)
Face bow, marine objects, navigation instruments, transmission equipment, marine engines, anchors and propellers,
paintings, maps, old books and marine news, documents and photos with aspects of marine
coins, medals,
uniforms, flags
models, the original ship (on land) and fragments of wreckage,
weapons and fire guns under water
items related to the submarine, Diving and underwater archeology and exploring the world, etc.
The museum has a library and archives.
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