New Bridge (Pont Neuf) - details and images
In the mid 16th century, only two bridges crossing the Seine. Because they were a very poor condition and frequently very crowded, King Henry III decided in 1578 to build a new bridge and the bridge was only in 1607 officially inaugurated by Henry IV who and named the bridge, the Pont Neuf. After his death, an equestrian statue of King Henry IV in the middle of the bridge was built, in market Vert-Galant. This statue was dismantled and melted during the French Revolution, but was replaced by an exact copy in 1818.
In a time when it was built, Pont Neuf, a bridge 232 meters long and 22 meters wide was a modern bridge with a lot of innovations. Pont Neuf bridge in Paris was the first houses on it. The first bridge was also paved, which soon turned into a favorite of many Parisians who began using the bridge as a meeting place.
Pont Neuf is currently composed of two sectors, one on each side of the Île de la Cité, where the market Vert-Galant unites the two sectors. The bridge has a total of 12 arches, seven of them in one of the sectors which connects Île de la Cité from the right bank of the Seine and the other 5 on the Île de la Cité, which connects the left bank.
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