New Cathedral (cathedral nueva) Salamanca - details and images
At the beginning of the fifteenth century Catholic King Ferdinand decided that he needed a Salamanca largest and most beautiful cathedral. The new cathedral was begun in 1513 and completed in 1733 and was built near the old one, even the left nave which had been destroyed and designed by architects Anton Egas and Alonso Rodriges. Because of the long duration of the construction of the cathedral, beside the Gothic style were added to the typical elements of Renaissance and Baroque style.
The cathedral is famous for her style facade sculptures Plater and its wood. Plaza Mayor Salamancaau works was started in 1513 in Gothic style and supervised by Juan Gil de Hontañón. Later works were continued by his son, who introduced Renaissance elements such as decorative medallions. By the end of the sixteenth century, Juan de Ribero took charge of the project, imagine a project with two towers, which was never finished. Lisbon earthquake (1755) caused serious damage to the tower. The main facade, which presents Calle Cardenal y Deniel Payments is an example of flamboyant Gothic style and contains a mixture of exuberant decoration. Near north gate, you can browse an astronaut sculpture, a play attributed to architects who have dealt with the restoration of parts of the facade which deteriorated with time. Inside the main chapel, the choir and choir wall where there are works by Churriguera. You can also visit the Golden Chapel and the Shrine of "Cristo de las Batallas" containing sculptures that accompanied El Cid in exile.
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