Old St. George Church - Ploiesti - details and images
Following local tradition, the confessions made this parish representatives and various events that are still in the church archives and weighs after the Golden Book of the Church is clear that the present church is the third house of worship built on the site.
With time, this house of worship became overcrowded, the faithful were built in 1830-1932 a new brick church, covered with shingles and was consecrated on the 27th dec. 1832.
It was fully restored between 1939-1942 with parishioners after plans expense and under the direction of architect Joseph Becu Historic Monuments Council. Painting the church was rebuilt in 1875 by the painter Nae Costescu being broken was not kept, everything was rebuilt.
The church is in the shape of a cross, has a length of 32 m, height of 9 meters, 14 meters from the nave and tower 23 meters height. In front is a porch with three arches trilobite nice work on oak pillars, crowned by the rail element of oak choir, with geometric motifs. This dividing wall with wood ceiling in the choir, is a popular architecture influence in religious architecture that era.
Bordered by two lateral nave and semicircular apse at the east of axida altar, holding a slender tower with 12 sides, arching inside the church with its beautiful monuments that keep the tradition of Romanian architecture proportions with exterior architecture, make this a beautiful place of worship architectural monument of Ploiesti.
The painting, in fresco technique in Byzantine style, was made in the years 1969-1971 by the painter Nicolae Stoica, through the contribution of believers.
Catapelteazma, the sculpture is the finest in the city. Worked artistic baroque "jupan Chircu wooden digger" is gilded with gold leaf, and the icons of the imperial and dedication are coated in silver.
Gospel, printed in Neamt Monastery in 1845, is tied with red velvet and gilt metal whose buckle. Silver Chalice, the holy evangelists in relief. A disc tray with the apostles and prophets in 1845. Wooden coffin, carved and gilded, they were made in 1847 during a major drought, the relics of the Holy Martyr Filofteia Arges. Two brass advisers worked in 1856 by master Joseph of Brasov.
Bell has the form orthogonal side 2 meters and up to roof height of 13 meters. The originality of this "bell towers tower" lies in this rare form of Romanian architecture plus Exterior decoration was divided in two horizontal registers high on a pedestal and a vertical division in panels, pilasters and profilatii the neoclassical influence, and shape as dome of Russian influence.
It is such an original and harmonious blend of elements processed by the master Radu in the years 1830-1831. Bell is a monument. It was half demolished by the 1940 earthquake and rebuilt in its original form in 1957 to fund the Department of Religious Affairs and the Council of Ministers of the Parish.
Caragiale's linden tree: linden tree near the parish house is over 150 years old and is a natural monument. Great writer Ion Luca Caragiale taught primary grade school that worked in the house Old St. George Church, "where together with other children, and church bells blew chop and play under the linden trees. "This Lime secular name was given in 1962 at Lime Caragiale omagierii occasion" the genius of satire in Romanian literature. "
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