Ordancusei Gorges - details and images

Ordâncuşei Keys stretch over a length of 2.5 km Ordancusa valley, a tributary of the fence left dry. The road climbs Ordancusa valley is guarded by tall limestone walls narrows so much that the road passing over four concrete bridges occupying the whole width of the valley. Host limestone walls many caves, caves and portals. Here are 70 caves, caves and portals.

After a few hundred meters from the entrance into the canyon, the right side of the cave opens vast cloister's Coroban Gârţău, ideal shelter during rain. At 200 m upstream or get to the cave gate Ionele. It is a protected cave, being sheltered by several species of bats. At the top of the slope below the cave is right Zgurăşti, and she protected.

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