Paphos Castle - details and images
The castle was built by the Byzantines in the 13 th century as a harbor defense fort Pahos.
Paphos Castle is located on the edge of Paphos harbour. It was originally built as a Byzantine fort to protect the harbour. It was then rebuilt by the Lusignans in the thirteenth century after being destroyed in the earthquake of 1222. In 1570 it was dismantled by the Venetians. After capturing the island, the Ottomans restored and strengthened it. Throughout the ages it has seen many uses. It has served as a fortress, a prison and even a warehouse for salt during the British occupation of the island. Paphos Castle is listed in the UNESCO list of world heritage sites and is fully protected.
It was declared a listed building in 1935 and represents one of the most distinctive landmarks of the city of Paphos. Several archaeological excavations have taken place to investigate its past
More recently the castle serves as a backdrop to the annual open air Paphos cultural festival which takes place in September.
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