Patrauti Church - details and images
The “Saint Cross” Patrauti Bucovina church is a true spiritual jewel. With warm and perfectly harmonized architectural forms, the edifice is located on the river bank bearing, from the elders, the girl's name - Patruceanca, just ten kilometers from Suceava locality, in the village of the same name.
The small place perfectly preserved the architecture, a combination of four styles: Byzantine (typical subdivision in pronaos, naos and altar); Latin (a plan of the construction in the form of a cross with unequal arms); Gothic (the type of door and window inlays); Moldovan (the tower above the nave and the roof, in general, as well as the interior next to the nave).
Due to its original form of preservation, both architecturally and iconographically, the Pătrăuţi Church became a UNESCO Monument in 1993, being the oldest Orthodox UNESCO Monument in Romania.
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