Paul Constantinescu Memorial House Ploiesti - details and images
Composer's sister, Eleonora Constantinescu chemical engineer in the summer of 1993 donated the building of Str. N. Balcescu, no. 15, who lived in Ploiesti Paul Constantinescu. The museum is an important historical and architectural monument, and is also a valuable heritage including a rich collection of books, furniture and documents about the life and work of the composer, who lived a part of life in this building.
Paul Constantinescu's musical creation includes a significant number of opposites in the field of symphonic, vocal and symphonic music for theater, film, choral music, chamber music for voice and piano which, exceptional value, is part of the national artistic heritage .
The museum's permanent exhibition, inaugurated on 20 December 1993 on the occasion of commemorating the 30th anniversary of the passing into eternity musician Paul Constantinescu.
Includes a series of unpublished documents about the life and work of the distinguished musician, grouped in seven sections: symphonic music, opera music, vocal and symphonic music, chamber music, choral, piano and voice and video in music creation.
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