Peles Castle - details and images
Peles Complex - architectural ensemble (Peles Castle, Pelisorul, Tower, and guard Economat) built by King Charles I on the left bank of Peles creek in a very picturesque place is one of the most popular targets in the Prahova Valley.
Peles Castle in Sinaia, the summer residence of the kings of Romania, was built at the wish of King Carol I of Romania (1866 - 1914), by Johannes Schultz and architect Karel Liman, and was decorated by famous decorators JD Heymann Hamburg, August Bembi in Mainz and Berhard Ludwig in Vienna.
Peles Castle may be considered the most important historic edifice in Romania, with unique character and is, historic and artistic value, one of the most important monuments of this kind in Europe the second half of the nineteenth century.
Peles Castle - was built between 1875-1883 was used by King Charles I as a summer residence, after his death (1914) became a museum. Monumental building, outside the castle is built in German Renaissance style, inside the approximately 160 rooms have different styles (Renaissance German, Italian, English, German Baroque, Rococo, French, Spanish-Moorish).
Pelisor - is located a few hundred meters from the Peles Castle was built between 1899-1903, German Renaissance style. It was inaugurated on May 24, 1903, was built by architect Liman as permanent acolaborat Pelisorul King Charles I., after the desire of Charles, had to be more of a Swiss chalet and either as a castle. Because as he said, could not be two royal castles.
However, the architecture Pelisorul - German Renaissance style, with its towers covered with colorful enameled tiles, with the 70 artistically decorated rooms, is a real castle that will be living permanently in the summer. From the beginning he was the residence of Prince: Ferdinand and his wife Mary. There were increased and their children: the future King Charles, Elizabeth (Queen of Greece), Marioara (Queen of Yugoslavia) and Prince Nicholas. Since 1993, visitors have the opportunity to know the former princely and royal apartments, work rooms, suites children's painting workshop was Queen Mary, and small Byzantine chapel decorated inside the building.
Body Guard - was built at the same time as the castle, but was rebuilt between 1908-1909 in German Renaissance style.
Economy - was built originally as a modest house, was later rebuilt - German style Burg, now a hotel.
Turret - (house hunting) was built along with the castle, after a devastating fire (1931), order was restored to Charles II.
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