Pestera cu Apa din Valea Lesului - details and images
Situated on the left side of the Valley of Hell, across from Local Council of Bulz (Bihor county), at a distance of about 2 km upstream from the confluence with Repede, Bulz Water Cave is developed in limestone on the edge of Lower Triassic and the environment.
Genetically speaking, is the terminus of a vast system endocrastic, which is the opposite extreme-cave Ponor sanctions. The total length of cave is 1177 meters, and the visit is a long stretch of 548 m. The cave was inserted in the tourist circuit, made by endowments from the local potential with an extremely favorable position is located near the road that crosses the valley. The cave is represented by small solodification parientale leaks and corrosion that the predominant microforms and erosion: racks, Marmite, recesses, chimneys evorsiune.
Lesului Valley Water Cave, is open on the right side of the valley carcass. At the cave entrance was a small natural dam formed by the collapse of part of the slope at a place called "Demolished" opening on a mosaic morphology with numerous chimneys and collapses. Before "Demolished" divides the main gallery to the right in "Bears Hall", which harbor traces of Ursus Spaeleus
The first large room of the cave has a length of 13 m and is accessible only by boat rubber. Water enters the room through a 2 m high waterfall that lies at its southern end, but that may be inevitable on the right side of the gallery.
Niagara II is seen after a relatively horizontal sector. It has 3 m high, followed by a sector west of 8-10 m tall and whose floor is submerged. From a point about 100 m from the entrance gallery widens slightly to 5-6 m wide, and the water turns into a lake of more than 2 m deep.
Waterfall III is located at the end of the lake and is three meters high and can be distinguished subscription wall dating from the nineteenth century. Waterfall III is needed for climbing a fixed ladder.
Bulz Water Cave explorers are for research of particular interest to speleogeneza and sedimentology. Accesssible section currently in difficult conditions of access, has a length of only 548 m (from a total of 1177 meters). Beyond chiffon - topped with autonomous diver - vados cave system continues, with an extensive network of galleries unaffected by human impact. Morphology was far from possessing specific miniatures strong concretionate caves, is sober and imposing.
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